
Wish list


Development of mazel currently requires make >= 4.0 and poetry.

mazel can be used with older make, but in the project’s Makefile, we utilize .RECIPEPREFIX (this could be removed in the future).

On MacOS, this will require installing GNU Make via homebrew:

brew install make

You will likely need to add $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/make/libexec/gnubin onto your path $PATH, so that which make returns GNU Make, not the MacOS builtin BSD Make 3.81.


To run the test suite:

make test

Note that mazel can be self-hosting, so the same command can be run via:

poetry run mazel test //

Before submitting a Pull Request, please ensure that the the code is formatted, type definitions are accurate, and there are no lint issues:

make format
make mypy
make lint


To compile the sphinx documentation run the liveserver:

make docs-serve

Alternatively, the documentation can be compiled via:

make docs