mazel Subcommands


Usage: mazel run [OPTIONS] [LABEL]

  Runs a specific Makefile target.

  The equivalent of `cd mypackage; make shell`:

     mazel run //mypackage:shell

  --modified-since TEXT  Only run for packages with modified files according
                         to git. Takes in a commit like object, e.g. 39fc076
                         or a range 39fc076..6ff72ca. End commit defaults to
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


Usage: mazel test [OPTIONS] [LABEL]

  --test_output [streamed|errors]
                                  Only show stdout/stderr after error, or
                                  stream everything.
  --modified-since TEXT           Only run for packages with modified files
                                  according to git. Takes in a commit like
                                  object, e.g. 39fc076 or a range
                                  39fc076..6ff72ca. End commit defaults to
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Selective Builds for Modified Packages

Using the --modified-since=<COMMIT> option, we can run only packages that contain files that have been added/removed/changed since the COMMIT. Typically COMMIT will be the last succesful CI run or the branch point off the main branch. When we also add --with-descendants, we can also run with any packages that depend upon our changed package(s).

So if //libs/py/common/ changed, and //services/backend uses //libs/py/common:

# Would run the test target on //libs/py/common
mazel test --modified-since=abcd1234 //

# Would run the test target on //libs/py/common and //services/backend
mazel test --modified-since=abcd1234 --with-descendants //

Suggested zsh / bash Aliases

In your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc consider adding aliases for quicker access to these subcommands:

alias mt="mazel test"
alias mr="mazel run"

For example:

mr //:format
mt //