Contributing ============ Wish list --------- * Additional :doc:`runtimes` Environment ----------- Development of mazel currently requires make >= 4.0 and `poetry `_. mazel can be used with older make, but in the project's `Makefile `_, we utilize ``.RECIPEPREFIX`` (this could be removed in the future). On MacOS, this will require installing GNU Make via homebrew:: brew install make You will likely need to add ``$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/make/libexec/gnubin`` onto your path ``$PATH``, so that :command:`which make` returns GNU Make, not the MacOS builtin BSD Make 3.81. Testing ------- To run the test suite:: make test Note that mazel can be self-hosting, so the same command can be run via:: poetry run mazel test // Before submitting a Pull Request, please ensure that the the code is formatted, type definitions are accurate, and there are no lint issues:: make format make mypy make lint Documentation ------------- To compile the sphinx documentation run the liveserver:: make docs-serve Alternatively, the documentation can be compiled via:: make docs